[Pw_forum] speedup of md simulation

HW Sheng hwsheng at jhu.edu
Fri Dec 13 17:06:52 CET 2002

Dear Paolo,

Thanks for the reply.

I understand that our network communication is a drag. We use 100M fast
Ethernet. As to the planewave parallelization, I have tried other ab intio
software package like CPMD. It seems the speedup there is much greater
(around a factor of 5 on my 10 dual processor cluster). does the different
performance stem from different methodologies that are utilized in those
simulation packages?

By the way, the new pwscf web page looks much nicer.



> [...] I installed pwscf on my Linux/alpha cluster (10 dual
> employs LAM/MPI [...] I found that the speedup is only a factor of 2
> [...]
> (2) is this due to the fact that the code is not optimally parallelized
>     or that the LAM/MPI is not well configured?

...or none of the above? unless your cluster has high-speed communication
hardware (i.e. Myrinet, not Ethernet), you will not get a good speedup.
You may even get "speedown" instead.

>  [...] PS: When I do k-point scf calculation, the speedup is acceptable,
> around a factor of 5 or so.

you mean parallelization on k points ? it requires much less communication
than parallelization on plane waves. See also

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