[Pw_forum] error - "not implemented"

Sergei Lisenkov proffess at yandex.ru
Mon Aug 11 07:50:56 CEST 2003

Dear PW users,

Recently I found the next errors:
Parallel version (MPI)
     Number of processors in use:     50
     R & G space division: nprocp =   50

     Ultrasoft (Vanderbilt) Pseudopotentials
     Complex Hamiltonian

     current dimensions of program pwscf are:
     ntypx=    6 npsx =    6 lmax =    3 npk =40000
     nbrx =     6 lqmax =     7 nqfm =     8

     current restart_mode = from_scratch
     current disk_io mode = default

     RECOVER from restart file has been switched off on input

     Writing file pwscf.save
     file written

     Planes per process (thick) : nr3 = 96 npp =   2 ncplane =  144

     from data_structure : error #         1
     some processors have no pencils, not yet implemented
     stopping ...

Another error appears on my PC machine. I calculated the structure with only Gamma point. I used the pwg.x version. But I got:

     from c_bands : error #         1
              not implemented

What is "not implemented"? I used also pw.x version - it is works.

Many thanks ,


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