[Pw_forum] Error: pseudo file is empty or wrong

Sergei Lisenkov proffess at yandex.ru
Fri Jun 6 14:36:22 CEST 2003

Dear All,

I compiled the PWscf code on HP PA_RISC machine using option -DCERNFFT. I compiled it without errors. But I got error when I ran example:

     Program PWSCF 1.2.0  starts ...
     Today is  6Jun2003 at 16:31: 6

     Ultrasoft (Vanderbilt) Pseudopotentials
     Complex Hamiltonian

     current dimensions of program pwscf are:
     ntypx=    6 npsx =    6 lmax =    3 npk =40000
     nbrx =     6 lqmax =     7 nqfm =     8

     from read_ncpp : error #         1
     pseudo file is empty or wrong
     stopping ...

My pseudo file is OK, I use it in another machine. How solve this problem?

Thank you for your help,
Best wishes,

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