[Pw_forum] compilation of pwscf with lahey compiler

Kurt Stokbro ks at mic.dtu.dk
Mon May 5 11:16:11 CEST 2003

I have tried to compile pwscf with the lahey compiler. I get the
2372-S: "constants.F90", line 76: Invalid number of actual arguments for intri
nsic subroutine ERROR.

It seems that there is a build in function called error. How do I avoid the comfusion between this build in function and the supplied function?

My make.sys library looks like:

# System-dependent Make definitions for Linux PCs, pgi compiler
# Edit according to your needs
# Precompiler
# we assume that the GNU precompiler is used. The option -traditional
# prevent string concatenation '//' from being interpreted as a comment
CPP = /lib/cpp
# Add -DADD_BLAS_ONE_UNDERSCORE if your blas/lapack library names contain
# two underscores at the end
# Define FFTW library names with one underscore less than they have in
# the library (one underscore is added by the compiler)
CPPFLAGS = -P -traditional -I$(OSHOME)/include -DPC -DPGI -DFFTW  \
           -D"FFTWND_F77_ONE=fftwnd_f77_one" \

# Fortran compilers:
# Please note: -r8 is necessary for numerical stability ..
F90 =lf95
#F90FLAGS =  -fast -r8
# This is needed to tell the compiler where modules are

# Loader:
# this below uses precompiled pgi libraries ( not very efficient but stable )
# we assume that fftw is placed in /usr/local/lib
#LIBS = -L/usr/local/pgi/linux86/lib/ -llapack -lblas -latlas -L/usr/local/lib -lfftw
LIBS =  -llapack -lblas -latlas -L/usr/local/lib -lfftw

# ar:
AR = ar

Best Regards,
Kurt Stokbro

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