[Pw_forum] compiling pw.1.2.0 using mpich and ifc for linux cluster

Jonathan Breeze breezejd at lsbu.ac.uk
Tue Nov 18 17:34:36 CET 2003

Hello everybody,

I have a little linux cluster of 8 nodes and have been trying to compile 
a parallel version of pw.1.2.0 for it using the intel compiler version 7.1.
I am using the MPICH library  (version which I compiled from 
source using ifc7.1 to produce mpif90.
I ran the simple pi3f90 fortran test example using 'mpirun -np 8 a.out' 
and it worked fine, all nodes happy and running their own process.  I 
ran further tests which showed that processes where running on nodes and 
communicating properly.

Not so happy when I compiled a parallel pw.1.2.0. :(

I had managed to compile the serial version using blas, lapack and atlas 
libraries. It produces the correct results and functions very well.
I compiled a parallel version, which compiled without any errors (I used 
the -DPARA -D__MPI CPP flags and set the compiler to mpif90).  When I 
run the parallel pw.x using mpirun -np 4 pw.x I get the following message:
mpirun -np 4 bin/pw.x

** Address Error **

End of diagnostics

Oh dear! The program didn't get very far.

The make.sys file is included here.  Can any kind soul offer some 
assistance ??  Many thanks.


           -D"FFTWND_F77_ONE=fftwnd_f77_one_" \
           -D"FFTW3D_F77_CREATE_PLAN=fftw3d_f77_create_plan_" \
           -D"FFTW_F77=fftw_f77_" \

F90 = mpif90

FFLAGS =-Vaxlib -W0


MODULEFLAG= -nomodule -I $(OSHOME)/Modules -I$(OSHOME)/PW -I$(OSHOME)/PH

LIBS = -L/usr/local/lib -lfftw -L/home/jonathan/libs -llapack -lf77blas 
-lcblas -latlas \
        -L/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/3.2.2/ -lg2c
LFLAGS = -Vaxlib $(LIBS)

# ar:
AR = ar

Jonathan Breeze
Research Fellow
Centre for Physical Electronics and Materials
London South Bank University
103 Borough Road

Tel: +44(0)20 7815 7582
Fax: +44(0)20 7815 7599

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