[Pw_forum] Fw: Compiling error of Pw-1.3

Sergei Lisenkov proffess at yandex.ru
Tue Sep 16 07:53:53 CEST 2003

Dear PW users,

I have error with compiling the new version of PWscf-1.3 on Compaq Alpha clusters using Compaq Compiler:

mpif90 -O -fpe0 -real_size 64 -align dcommons -align records -free -cpp -D__ALPHA -D__PARA -D__MPI -DDXML -I/home/proffess/PWscf-1.3/include -I/home/proffess/PWscf-1.3/Modules -I/home/proffess/PWscf-1.3/PW -I/home/proffess/PWscf-1.3/PH -c cft3.f90
f90: Error: cft3.f90, line 79: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type.   [DFFTP]
        mc = dfftp%ismap (i)
make[1]: *** [cft3.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/proffess/PWscf-1.3/PW'

Is anybody know how to solve it?

Sergey Lisenkov
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