[Pw_forum] compilation error

Guido Roma roma at cea.fr
Wed Sep 24 18:13:25 CEST 2003

mutombo wrote:
> Dear List,
> I am getting the following error when trying to compile the "pw" module of
> the  newest version of the PWSCF code. My system is  alpha linux (compiler
> :fort).
> Does anyone have an idea on  how to solve this?
> Best wishes,
>                                                    Pingo
> .../Modules/berry_phase.o: In function `$berry_phase$ln_setup':
> :40: undefined reference to `ln_alloc__'
> :40: undefined reference to `ln_alloc__'
> :40: undefined reference to `ln_alloc__'


do you link with $(OSHOME)/clib/clib.a ? If not then add it to the
LDFLAGS in install/Make.alphalinux (or the way you call it).
If it still doesn't solve the problem, it has perhaps something to do
with underscores, or
capital letters.


Guido Roma <roma${at}cea.fr> -- CEA-Saclay - DEN/DMN/SRMP Bat.520/130 
Phone: [+33]-1-69085738 -- Fax: ...6867 -- Mobile: [+33]-6-20069085

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