[Pw_forum] dielectric functions in the region of GHz to THz

Ichiro Nagano nagano at atrc.mhi.co.jp
Tue Sep 30 05:23:40 CEST 2003

Dear PWscf users,

It may be a trivial thing,
I would try to calculate dielectric functions in the region of GHz to THz.
Can we perform the calculation with PWscf?

Thanks for any information,

Ichiro Nagano

Advanced Technology Research Center, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
8-1, Sachiura, 1-Chome, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama, 236-8515, Japan
Ichiro Nagano
E-mail: <nagano at atrc.mhi.co.jp>
TEL: + 81 (45) 775-2437 (EXT 9065) 
FAX: + 81 (45) 771-3879

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