[Pw_forum] To Manish Jain about electron-phonon coupling

xianghjun xhongjun at mail.ustc.edu.cn
Wed Apr 14 03:58:34 CEST 2004

Paolo Giannozzi wrote:

>On Sunday 11 April 2004 04:16, xianghjun wrote:
>>I find the two X.elph files differ when running in parallel and in serial.
>they don't actually differ, but it looks like more than one processor
>is trying to write to the same file. Does this happen with the unmodified
>version of code ? with k-point parallelization (pols) or in all cases?
Yes,you are right:it suffers from that more than one processor is trying 
to write to the same file.
Since I don't have the version modified by Michele Lazzeri,I test it 
only with the official PW2.0.1
version.As for the k-point parallelization,I have the same problem as 
Himanshu Kumar Poswal.
After apply the patch patch-2-0p3.gz you supplied,I have successfully 
run ph.x in  k-points parallel.
Also after some minor modification,I resolve the writing file problem in 
a very crude way.Now it gives the correct results
both in parallel(include k-points parallel) and in serial.
My elphon.f90 is attached.

Thanks a lot for your help.


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