[Pw_forum] compiling w/ PathScale on Opteron

Eros Albertazzi phyche1 at bo.imm.cnr.it
Fri Apr 23 14:47:08 CEST 2004

I got PathScale compilers and I tried to compile pw on an Opteron pc but 
I ended up with undefined references.

To begin with I hacked the make.pc_pgi and likely I guessed wrong.

I use "-D__LINUX64 -D__PGI -D__FFTW -D__USE_INTERNAL_FFTW" as pre flags 
(I'd like to move to fftw at a later stage) and I link (just testing) 
against home made lapack and acml libraries

Has anyone produces a working make.sys or is willing to send me some hint?

Here is the log:

input.o(.text+0x9ce3): In function `verify_tmpdir__':
: undefined reference to `c_mkdir__'
../Modules/berry_phase.o(.text+0x2f): In function `LN_SETUP.in.BERRY_PHASE':
: undefined reference to `ln_alloc__'
../Modules/berry_phase.o(.text+0xad): In function `LN_SETUP.in.BERRY_PHASE':
: undefined reference to `ln_set__'
../Modules/berry_phase.o(.text+0xe1): In function `LN_SETUP.in.BERRY_PHASE':
: undefined reference to `ln_activate__'
../Modules/berry_phase.o(.text+0x1389): In function
../Modules/fft_scalar.o(.text+0x106): In function `CFT_1Z.in.FFT_SCALAR':
: undefined reference to `destroy_plan_1d__'
../Modules/fft_scalar.o(.text+0x123): In function `CFT_1Z.in.FFT_SCALAR':

Eros Albertazzi
CNR-IMM, Sez. Bologna
Via P.Gobetti 101
I-40129 Bologna, Italy
Tel:(+39)-051-639 9179   Fax:(+39)-051-639 9216

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