[Pw_forum] from read_namelists : error # 406

Cyrille Barreteau cbarreteau at cea.fr
Wed Apr 28 09:07:56 CEST 2004

dear pwscf users,

I have met the following problem when running a spin polarized calculation.
When I want to give a starting magnetization of atom i
by setting starting_magnetization(i)=1.0
I get the following error:
      from  read_namelists  : error #       406
       reading namelist system

This happens only when i>10.
Is there a limitation on the index i?



    | Cyrille Barreteau           |  phone:+33 (0)1 69 08 29 51  |
    | CEA Saclay                  |                              |
    | DSM/DRECAM/SPCSI            |  fax : +33 (0)1 69 08 84 46  |
    | Batiment 462                |                              |
    | 91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex  |  email: cbarreteau at cea.fr    |
    | FRANCE                      |                              |
    |             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                       |
    |    web : http://www-drecam.cea.fr/spcsi/groupe1.htm        |

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