[Pw_forum] PWscf on IBM PPC970

Sergei Lisenkov proffess at yandex.ru
Thu Aug 19 15:40:28 CEST 2004

Dear PWscf authors and users,

 I still have a problem with running pw code on IBM PPC970 cluster. I can compile the pw code, but I cannot run it. I used the example3, al001.mm.in file as input. If I use the stable version (2.0.4), I immediatly (after header information, fftw meshes) got "segmentation" fault error. If I use cvs version, the code works during 4 steps and before printing the forces crashes with "segmentation fault" error. I tried different libraries (essl, lapack/blas, lapack3e, local fftw and ESSL fftw) - no success.

I got the make.sys file by working configure. I only added -D__AIX flag, because without that flag the code stops inn compiling mode of fft_scalar.f90 file.

Any hints?

 Thanks a lot,
  Best wishes,

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