[Pw_forum] configure: error: cannot compute sizeof (int), 77

Mahmoud Payami mpayami at aeoi.org.ir
Sun Aug 29 14:31:28 CEST 2004

Dear PWSCF users,

I found the Gerardo Ballabio recipe for this error and trying to follow the steps. However, I am not certain if it is the ultimate way. Is there any improved one?

> - edit "configure.ac", remove these lines (near the end of the file):
> - run autoconf: this should produce a new "configure"
> - rerun "configure".
> You need a reasonably recent version of autoconf (>= 2.53). If you have
> problems with that, I can generate a new "configure" and mail it to you.
> Gerardo Ballabio

Best regards,
Mahmoud Payami
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