[Pw_forum] parallel comilation error

Gerardo Ballabio g.ballabio at cineca.it
Mon Aug 30 12:51:05 CEST 2004

On Sun, 2004-08-29 at 16:11, Mahmoud Payami wrote:
> The origin of this problem was that the "g77" command was used instead
> of "ifc" in the "mpif77". I changed  FC="ifc" and then used "make
> all". The compilation was successful without any errors.
> However, trying to run example1 in parallel mode, the program
> complains: 
> ==============
> ./run_example: line 16: -n: command not found
> ./run_example: line 17: 5: command not found
> ================================
> and then starts to run in a single processor (?).
> How can I make thses two lines diappear?
> Any comments is highly appreciated.

Looks like you have written something like
    PARA_PREFIX=mpiexec -n 5
in your environment_variables file. This is incorrect because
PARA_PREFIX is only set to "mpiexec", then the shell interprets "-n 5"
as a command. When the value of PARA_PREFIX (or PARA_POSTFIX) isn't a
single word, you must quote it:
    PARA_PREFIX="mpiexec -n 5"


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