[Pw_forum] Feedback on new PWSCF

Subhradip Ghosh subhra at ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
Wed Feb 25 16:21:24 CET 2004

I tried to compile the new version in linux PC with Intel fortran
compiler. I get the following message:
WARNING: the following problems were detected:

 unsupported C/Fortran compilers combination:
 CC=cc, F77=f77, F90=f77

you may not be able to compile this program
Could it be because of the fact that I am not using a Intel C compiler?


                      Subhradip Ghosh
                   Post doctoral Fellow
                   Department of Materials Science & Engineering
                   University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Office                                       Home
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E-mail: subhra at uiuc.edu           *

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