[Pw_forum] Compiling PWscf

sbraccia carlo sbraccia at sissa.it
Fri Jan 23 09:29:11 CET 2004

Dear Gil Speyer,

> The intel fortran compiler (ifc) seems to compile most things alright,
> just 3 routines seem to have a problem:
> read_cards.f90 and vcsmd.f90:
> If I change a broken line in each of these (linked to the next line with
> "&", read_cards.f90:444 and vcsmd.f90:177) to one continuous line, it
> compiles.
> bfgs_module.f90:
> In the subroutine "update_inverse_hessian" the last line will not
> compile.  More specifically, the last "chunk" of the last line won't
> compile, even if I separate it into its own line.
> The subroutine "lbfgs_update" will not compile unless I change the line:
>       alpha(i) = ( s(:,i) .dot. bfgs_step(:) ) / sdoty(i)
> to:
>       alpha(i) = ( s(:,i) .dot. bfgs_step ) / sdoty(i)
> The only routine of concern is the update_inverse_hessian routine which
> I cannot get to compile properly.  If I comment out the last section of
> the problematic line, everything compiles and runs.
> Have there been similar problems with these routines?  Any assistance
> here would be appreciated.

I've successefully compiled that module with ifc (6.0, 7.0, 7.1), lf95, xlf95, 
compaq f95, ... 
Anyway, can you try to compile pwscf with this modified version of the 
bfgs_module (see attached file).

carlo sbraccia
-------------- next part --------------
! Copyright (C) 2003-2004 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
MODULE bfgs_module
  ! ... ionic relaxation through Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno 
  ! ... minimization and a "trust radius" line search based on 
  ! ... Wolfe conditions ( bfgs() subroutine )
  ! ... A linear scaling BFGS is also implemented ( lin_bfgs() subroutine )
  ! ... Both subroutines are called with the same list of arguments
  ! ... Written by Carlo Sbraccia ( 5/12/2003 )
  ! ... references :  
  ! ... 1) Roger Fletcher, Practical Methods of Optimization, John Wiley and 
  ! ...    Sons, Chichester, 2nd edn, 1987. 
  ! ... 2) Salomon R. Billeter, Alexander J. Turner, Walter Thiel, 
  ! ...    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2, 2177 (2000).
  ! ... 3) Salomon R. Billeter, Alessandro Curioni, Wanda Andreoni,
  ! ...    Comput. Mat. Science 27, 437, (2003).
  ! ... 4) Ren Weiqing, PhD Thesis: Numerical Methods for the Study of Energy
  ! ...    Landscapes and Rare Events. 
  USE parameters,  ONLY : DP
  USE io_files,    ONLY : iunbfgs
  USE basic_algebra_routines  
  ! ... public methods
  PUBLIC :: bfgs,             &
  ! ... public variables
  PUBLIC :: lbfgs_ndim,       &
            trust_radius_max, &
            trust_radius_min, &
            trust_radius_ini, &
            trust_radius_end, &
            w_1,              &
  ! ... global variables
      pos_old(:,:),             &! list of m old positions ( m = 1 for 
                                 ! standard BFGS algorithm )
      inverse_hessian(:,:),     &! inverse of the hessian matrix (updated via
                                 ! BFGS formula)
      bfgs_step(:),             &! bfgs direction
      bfgs_step_old(:),         &! old bfgs direction
      gradient_old(:,:)          ! list of m old gradients ( m = 1 for 
                                 ! standard BFGS algorithm )
  INTEGER :: &
      lbfgs_ndim = 4             ! dimension of the subspace for L-BFGS
                                 ! fixed to 1 for standard BFGS algorithm
  REAL(KIND=DP) :: &   
      trust_radius,             &! displacement along the bfgs direction
      trust_radius_old,         &! old displacement along the bfgs direction
      energy_old                 ! old energy
  INTEGER :: &
      scf_iter,                 &! number of scf iterations
      bfgs_iter,                &! number of bfgs iterations
      lin_iter                   ! number of line search iterations    
  REAL(KIND=DP)  :: &
      trust_radius_max = 0.5D0, &! maximum allowed displacement
      trust_radius_min = 1.D-5, &! minimum allowed displacement
      trust_radius_ini = 0.5D0, &! initial displacement
      trust_radius_end = 1.D-7   ! bfgs stops when trust_radius is less than
                                 ! this value
  REAL(KIND=DP)  :: &
      w_1 = 0.5D-1,             &! parameters for Wolfe conditions
      w_2 = 0.5D0                ! parameters for Wolfe conditions
  ! ... Note that m, trust_radius_max, trust_radius_min, trust_radius_ini,
  ! ... trust_radius_end, w_1, w_2 have a default value, but can also be 
  ! ... assigned in input
     ! ... public methods :
     SUBROUTINE bfgs( pos, energy, gradient, scratch, stdout, energy_thr, &
                      gradient_thr, energy_error, gradient_error,         &
                      step_accepted, conv_bfgs )
       ! ... list of input/output arguments : 
       !  pos            : vector containing 3N coordinates of the system ( x )
       !  energy         : energy of the system ( V(x) )
       !  gradient       : vector containing 3N components of ( grad( V(x) ) ) 
       !  scratch        : scratch diercotry
       !  stdout         : unit for standard output
       !  energy_thr     : treshold on energy difference for BFGS convergence
       !  gradient_thr   : treshold on gradient difference for BFGS convergence
       !                    the largest component of grad( V(x) ) is considered
       !  energy_error   : energy difference | V(x_i) - V(x_i-1) |
       !  gradient_error : the largest component of 
       !                    | grad(V(x_i)) - grad(V(x_i-1)) | 
       !  step_accepted  : .TRUE. if a new BFGS step is done
       !  conv_bfgs      : .TRUE. if BFGS convergence has been achieved
       USE constants,  ONLY : eps16
       ! ... input/output arguments
       REAL(KIND=DP),     INTENT(INOUT) :: pos(:)
       REAL(KIND=DP),     INTENT(INOUT) :: energy       
       REAL(KIND=DP),     INTENT(INOUT) :: gradient(:)
       CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(IN)    :: scratch
       INTEGER,           INTENT(IN)    :: stdout   
       REAL(KIND=DP),     INTENT(IN)    :: energy_thr, gradient_thr  
       REAL(KIND=DP),     INTENT(OUT)   :: energy_error, gradient_error       
       LOGICAL,           INTENT(OUT)   :: step_accepted, conv_bfgs
       ! ... local variables
       INTEGER  :: dim, i
       LOGICAL  :: lwolfe
       dim = SIZE( pos )
       ! ... lbfgs_ndim is forced to be equal to 1 ( the complete inverse 
       ! ... hessian  matrix is stored )
       lbfgs_ndim  = 1
       ALLOCATE( pos_old( dim, lbfgs_ndim ) )
       ALLOCATE( inverse_hessian( dim, dim ) )
       ALLOCATE( bfgs_step( dim ) )              
       ALLOCATE( bfgs_step_old( dim ) )
       ALLOCATE( gradient_old( dim, lbfgs_ndim ) )
       CALL read_bfgs_file( pos, energy, gradient, scratch, dim )
       scf_iter = scf_iter + 1       
       conv_bfgs = ( ( energy_old - energy ) < energy_thr )
       energy_error   = ABS( energy_old - energy )
       gradient_error = 0.D0
       DO i = 1, dim
          conv_bfgs = ( conv_bfgs .AND. ( ABS( gradient(i) ) < gradient_thr ) )
          gradient_error = MAX( gradient_error, ABS( gradient(i) ) )
       END DO       
       ! ... as long as the first two scf iterations have been performed the 
       ! ... error on the energy is redefined as a "large" number.
       IF ( scf_iter < 2 ) energy_error = 1000.D0
       IF ( conv_bfgs ) THEN
          CALL terminate_bfgs( energy, stdout, scratch )
       END IF
       WRITE( UNIT = stdout, &
            & FMT = '(/,5X,"number of ionic steps",T30,"= ",I3)' ) scf_iter
       WRITE( UNIT = stdout, &
            & FMT = '(  5X,"number of bfgs  steps",T30,"= ",I3,/)' ) bfgs_iter
       IF ( scf_iter > 1 ) &
          WRITE( UNIT = stdout, &
               & FMT = '(5X,"energy old",T30,"= ",F18.10," ryd")' ) energy_old
       WRITE( UNIT = stdout, &
            & FMT = '(5X,"energy new",T30,"= ",F18.10," ryd",/)' ) energy
       IF ( energy > energy_old ) THEN
          ! ... the previous step is rejected, line search goes on
          step_accepted = .FALSE.          
          lin_iter = lin_iter + 1
          WRITE( UNIT = stdout, &
               & FMT = '(5X,"CASE: energy_new > energy_old",/)' )
          ! ... the old trust radius is reduced by a factor 2
          trust_radius = 0.5D0 * trust_radius_old
          WRITE( UNIT = stdout, &
               & FMT = '(5X,"new trust radius",T30,"= ",F18.10," bohr",/)' ) &
          IF ( trust_radius < trust_radius_min ) THEN
             ! ... the history is reset
             WRITE( UNIT = stdout, FMT = '(/,5X,"resetting bfgs history",/)' )
             inverse_hessian = identity(dim)
             bfgs_step = - ( inverse_hessian .times. gradient )
             trust_radius = trust_radius_min
             ! ... values of the last succeseful bfgs step are restored
             pos      = pos_old(:,1)
             energy   = energy_old
             gradient = gradient_old(:,1)
             ! ... old bfgs direction ( normalized ) is recovered
             bfgs_step = bfgs_step_old / trust_radius_old
          END IF   
          ! ... a new bfgs step is done
          step_accepted = .TRUE.
          lin_iter  = 1
          bfgs_iter = bfgs_iter + 1
          IF ( bfgs_iter > 1 ) THEN
             WRITE( UNIT = stdout, &
                  & FMT = '(5X,"CASE: energy_new < energy_old",/)' )
             CALL check_wolfe_conditions( lwolfe, energy, gradient )
             IF ( lwolfe ) THEN
                WRITE( UNIT = stdout, &
                     & FMT = '(5X,"Wolfe conditions satisfied",/)' )
                WRITE( UNIT = stdout, &
                     & FMT = '(5X,"Wolfe conditions not satisfied",/)' )
             END IF     
             CALL update_inverse_hessian( gradient, dim, stdout )
          END IF
          ! ... bfgs direction ( not normalized ) 
          bfgs_step = - ( inverse_hessian .times. gradient )
          IF ( ( gradient .dot. bfgs_step ) > 0.D0 ) THEN
             ! ... bfgs direction is reversed if not downhill
             bfgs_step = - bfgs_step
             WRITE( UNIT = stdout, FMT = '(5X,"search direction reversed",/)' )
             ! ... the history is reset
             WRITE( UNIT = stdout, FMT = '(5X,"resetting bfgs history",/)' )
             inverse_hessian = identity(dim)
          END IF   
          ! ... the new trust radius is computed
          IF ( bfgs_iter == 1 ) THEN
             trust_radius =  trust_radius_ini
             CALL compute_trust_radius( lwolfe, energy, gradient, dim, &
                                        stdout, conv_bfgs )
          END IF
          ! ... if trust_radius < trust_radius_end convergence is achieved
          IF ( conv_bfgs ) THEN
             CALL terminate_bfgs( energy, stdout, scratch )
          END IF
          WRITE( UNIT = stdout, &
               & FMT = '(5X,"new trust radius",T30,"= ",F18.10," bohr",/)' ) &
       END IF  
       ! ... step along the bfgs direction
       IF ( norm( bfgs_step ) < eps16 ) THEN
          WRITE( UNIT = stdout, &
               & FMT = '(5X,"WARNING : norm( bfgs_step )",T30,"= ",F18.10)' ) &
              norm( bfgs_step )
          bfgs_step = - gradient
          bfgs_step = trust_radius * bfgs_step / norm( bfgs_step )
       END IF 
       ! ... informations needed for the next iteration are saved
       ! ... this must be done before positions update
       CALL write_bfgs_file( pos, energy, gradient, scratch )                
       ! ... positions are updated
       pos = pos + bfgs_step
       DEALLOCATE( pos_old )   
       DEALLOCATE( inverse_hessian )
       DEALLOCATE( bfgs_step )       
       DEALLOCATE( bfgs_step_old )
       DEALLOCATE( gradient_old )       
     SUBROUTINE lin_bfgs( pos, energy, gradient, scratch, stdout, energy_thr, &
                          gradient_thr, energy_error, gradient_error,         &
                          step_accepted, conv_bfgs )
       ! ... list of input/output arguments : 
       !  pos            : vector containing 3N coordinates of the system ( x )
       !  energy         : energy of the system ( V(x) )
       !  gradient       : vector containing 3N components of ( grad( V(x) ) ) 
       !  scratch        : scratch diercotry
       !  stdout         : unit for standard output
       !  energy_thr     : treshold on energy difference for BFGS convergence
       !  gradient_thr   : treshold on gradient difference for BFGS convergence
       !                    the largest component of grad( V(x) ) is considered
       !  energy_error   : energy difference | V(x_i) - V(x_i-1) |
       !  gradient_error : the largest component of 
       !                    | grad(V(x_i)) - grad(V(x_i-1)) | 
       !  step_accepted  : .TRUE. if a new BFGS step is done
       !  conv_bfgs      : .TRUE. if BFGS convergence has been achieved       
       USE constants,  ONLY : eps16       
       ! ... input/output arguments
       REAL(KIND=DP),     INTENT(INOUT) :: pos(:)
       REAL(KIND=DP),     INTENT(INOUT) :: energy       
       REAL(KIND=DP),     INTENT(INOUT) :: gradient(:)
       CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(IN)    :: scratch
       INTEGER,           INTENT(IN)    :: stdout   
       REAL(KIND=DP),     INTENT(IN)    :: energy_thr, gradient_thr  
       REAL(KIND=DP),     INTENT(OUT)   :: energy_error, gradient_error       
       LOGICAL,           INTENT(OUT)   :: step_accepted, conv_bfgs
       ! ... local variables
       INTEGER   :: dim, i
       LOGICAL   :: lwolfe
       dim = SIZE( pos )
       ALLOCATE( pos_old( dim, lbfgs_ndim ) )
       ALLOCATE( gradient_old( dim, lbfgs_ndim ) )       
       ALLOCATE( bfgs_step( dim ) )              
       ALLOCATE( bfgs_step_old( dim ) )
       CALL read_lbfgs_file( pos, energy, gradient, scratch, dim )
       scf_iter = scf_iter + 1       
       ! ... convergence is checked
       conv_bfgs = ( ( energy_old - energy ) < energy_thr )
       energy_error   = ABS( energy_old - energy )
       gradient_error = 0.D0
       DO i = 1, dim
          conv_bfgs = ( conv_bfgs .AND. ( ABS( gradient(i) ) < gradient_thr ) )
          gradient_error = MAX( gradient_error, ABS( gradient(i) ) )
       END DO       
       ! ... as long as the first two scf iterations have been performed the 
       ! ... error on the energy is redefined as a "large" number.
       IF ( scf_iter < 2 ) energy_error = 1000.D0
       IF ( conv_bfgs ) THEN
          ! ... convergence has been achieved
          CALL terminate_bfgs( energy, stdout, scratch )
       END IF
       WRITE( UNIT = stdout, &
            & FMT = '(/,5X,"number of ionic steps",T30,"= ",I3)' ) scf_iter
       WRITE( UNIT = stdout, &
            & FMT = '(  5X,"number of bfgs  steps",T30,"= ",I3,/)' ) bfgs_iter
       IF ( scf_iter > 1 ) &
          WRITE( UNIT = stdout, &
               & FMT = '(5X,"energy old",T30,"= ",F18.10," ryd")' ) energy_old
       WRITE( UNIT = stdout, &
            & FMT = '(5X,"energy new",T30,"= ",F18.10," ryd",/)' ) energy
       IF ( energy > energy_old ) THEN
          ! ... the previous step is rejected, line search goes on
          step_accepted = .FALSE.          
          lin_iter = lin_iter + 1
          WRITE( UNIT = stdout, &
               & FMT = '(5X,"CASE: energy_new > energy_old",/)' )
          ! ... the old trust radius is reduced by a factor 2
          trust_radius = 0.5D0 * trust_radius_old
          WRITE( UNIT = stdout, &
               & FMT = '(5X,"new trust radius",T30,"= ",F18.10," bohr",/)' ) &
          IF ( trust_radius < trust_radius_min ) THEN
             ! ... the history is reset
             WRITE( UNIT = stdout, FMT = '(5X,"resetting bfgs history",/)' )
             pos_old      = 0.D0
             gradient_old = 0.D0
             bfgs_step = - gradient
             trust_radius = trust_radius_min
             ! ... values of the last succeseful bfgs step are restored
             pos       = pos_old(:,lbfgs_ndim)
             energy    = energy_old
             gradient  = gradient_old(:,lbfgs_ndim)
             ! ... old bfgs direction ( normalized ) is recovered
             bfgs_step = bfgs_step_old / trust_radius_old
          END IF   
          ! ... a new bfgs step is done
          step_accepted = .TRUE.
          lin_iter  = 1
          bfgs_iter = bfgs_iter + 1
          WRITE( UNIT = stdout, &
               & FMT = '(5X,"CASE: energy_new < energy_old",/)' )
          ! ... Wolfe conditions and hessian update are needed after
          ! ... the first bfgs iteration
          IF ( bfgs_iter == 1 ) THEN
             bfgs_step = - gradient
             CALL check_wolfe_conditions( lwolfe, energy, gradient )
             IF ( lwolfe ) THEN
                WRITE( UNIT = stdout, &
                     & FMT = '(5X,"Wolfe conditions satisfied",/)' )
                WRITE( UNIT = stdout, &
                     & FMT = '(5X,"Wolfe conditions not satisfied",/)' )
             END IF
             CALL lbfgs_update( pos, gradient, dim )
          END IF   
          IF ( ( gradient .dot. bfgs_step ) > 0.D0 ) THEN
             ! ... bfgs direction is reversed if not downhill
             bfgs_step = - bfgs_step
             WRITE( UNIT = stdout, FMT = '(5X,"search direction reversed")' )
             ! ... the history is reset
             WRITE( UNIT = stdout, FMT = '(5X,"resetting bfgs history",/)' )
             pos_old      = 0.D0
             gradient_old = 0.D0
          END IF   
          ! ... the new trust radius is computed
          IF ( bfgs_iter == 1 ) THEN
             trust_radius =  trust_radius_ini
             CALL compute_trust_radius( lwolfe, energy, gradient, dim, &
                                        stdout, conv_bfgs )
          END IF
          ! ... if trust_radius < trust_radius_end convergence is achieved
          ! ... this should be a "rare event"
          IF ( conv_bfgs ) THEN
             CALL terminate_bfgs( energy, stdout, scratch )
          END IF
          WRITE( UNIT = stdout, &
               & FMT = '(5X,"new trust radius",T30,"= ",F18.10," bohr",/)' ) &
       END IF  
       ! ... step along the bfgs direction
       IF ( norm( bfgs_step ) < eps16 ) THEN
          WRITE( UNIT = stdout, &
               & FMT = '(5X,"WARNING : norm( bfgs_step )",T30,"= ",F18.10)' ) &
              norm( bfgs_step )
          bfgs_step = - gradient
          bfgs_step = trust_radius * bfgs_step / norm( bfgs_step )
       END IF 
       ! ... informations needed for the next iteration are saved
       ! ... this must be done before positions update
       CALL write_lbfgs_file( pos, energy, gradient, scratch )                       
       ! ... positions are updated for a new scf calculation
       pos = pos + bfgs_step
       DEALLOCATE( pos_old )
       DEALLOCATE( gradient_old )          
       DEALLOCATE( bfgs_step )              
       DEALLOCATE( bfgs_step_old )    
     END SUBROUTINE lin_bfgs     
     ! ... private methods :
     SUBROUTINE read_bfgs_file( pos, energy, gradient, scratch, dim )
       USE io_files, ONLY : prefix
       REAL(KIND=DP),     INTENT(INOUT) :: pos(:)
       REAL(KIND=DP),     INTENT(INOUT) :: energy       
       REAL(KIND=DP),     INTENT(INOUT) :: gradient(:)       
       CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(IN)    :: scratch
       INTEGER,           INTENT(IN)    :: dim
       ! ... local variables
       CHARACTER (LEN=256) :: bfgs_file
       LOGICAL             :: file_exists
       bfgs_file = TRIM( scratch ) // TRIM( prefix ) //'.bfgs'
       INQUIRE( FILE = TRIM( bfgs_file ) , EXIST = file_exists )
       IF ( file_exists ) THEN
          ! ... bfgs is restarted from file
          OPEN( UNIT = iunbfgs, FILE = TRIM( bfgs_file ), &
                STATUS = 'UNKNOWN', ACTION = 'READ' )  
          READ( iunbfgs, * ) scf_iter
          READ( iunbfgs, * ) bfgs_iter
          READ( iunbfgs, * ) lin_iter
          READ( iunbfgs, * ) pos_old
          READ( iunbfgs, * ) energy_old
          READ( iunbfgs, * ) gradient_old
          READ( iunbfgs, * ) bfgs_step_old
          READ( iunbfgs, * ) trust_radius_old
          READ( iunbfgs, * ) inverse_hessian
          CLOSE( UNIT = iunbfgs )
          ! ... bfgs initialization
          scf_iter                   = 0
          bfgs_iter                  = 0
          lin_iter                   = 0
          pos_old(:,lbfgs_ndim)      = pos
          energy_old                 = energy
          gradient_old(:,lbfgs_ndim) = gradient
          bfgs_step_old              = 0.D0
          trust_radius_old           = trust_radius_ini
          inverse_hessian            = identity(dim)
       END IF    
     END SUBROUTINE read_bfgs_file
     SUBROUTINE read_lbfgs_file( pos, energy, gradient, scratch, dim )
       USE io_files, ONLY : prefix
       REAL(KIND=DP),     INTENT(INOUT) :: pos(:)
       REAL(KIND=DP),     INTENT(INOUT) :: energy       
       REAL(KIND=DP),     INTENT(INOUT) :: gradient(:)       
       CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(IN)    :: scratch
       INTEGER,           INTENT(IN)    :: dim
       ! ... local variables
       CHARACTER (LEN=256) :: bfgs_file
       LOGICAL             :: file_exists
       bfgs_file = TRIM( scratch ) // TRIM( prefix ) //'.bfgs'
       INQUIRE( FILE = TRIM( bfgs_file ) , EXIST = file_exists )
       IF ( file_exists ) THEN
          ! ... bfgs is restarted from file
          OPEN( UNIT = iunbfgs, FILE = TRIM( bfgs_file ), &
                STATUS = 'UNKNOWN', ACTION = 'READ' )  
          READ( iunbfgs, * ) scf_iter
          READ( iunbfgs, * ) bfgs_iter
          READ( iunbfgs, * ) lin_iter
          READ( iunbfgs, * ) pos_old(:,1:lbfgs_ndim)
          READ( iunbfgs, * ) energy_old
          READ( iunbfgs, * ) gradient_old(:,1:lbfgs_ndim)
          READ( iunbfgs, * ) bfgs_step_old  
          READ( iunbfgs, * ) trust_radius_old
          CLOSE( UNIT = iunbfgs )
          ! ... bfgs initialization
          scf_iter         = 0
          bfgs_iter        = 0
          lin_iter         = 0
          pos_old          = 0.D0
          energy_old       = energy
          gradient_old     = 0.D0
          trust_radius_old = trust_radius_ini
          bfgs_step_old    = 0.D0
       END IF    
     END SUBROUTINE read_lbfgs_file     
     SUBROUTINE write_bfgs_file( pos, energy, gradient, scratch )
       USE io_files, ONLY : prefix       
       REAL(KIND=DP),     INTENT(IN) :: pos(:)       
       REAL(KIND=DP),     INTENT(IN) :: energy       
       REAL(KIND=DP),     INTENT(IN) :: gradient(:)       
       CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: scratch
       OPEN( UNIT = iunbfgs, FILE = TRIM( scratch )//TRIM( prefix )//'.bfgs', &
             STATUS = 'UNKNOWN', ACTION = 'WRITE' )  
       WRITE( iunbfgs, * ) scf_iter
       WRITE( iunbfgs, * ) bfgs_iter
       WRITE( iunbfgs, * ) lin_iter
       WRITE( iunbfgs, * ) pos
       WRITE( iunbfgs, * ) energy
       WRITE( iunbfgs, * ) gradient
       WRITE( iunbfgs, * ) bfgs_step
       WRITE( iunbfgs, * ) trust_radius
       WRITE( iunbfgs, * ) inverse_hessian
       CLOSE( UNIT = iunbfgs )
     END SUBROUTINE write_bfgs_file  
     SUBROUTINE write_lbfgs_file( pos, energy, gradient, scratch )
       USE io_files, ONLY : prefix       
       REAL(KIND=DP),     INTENT(IN) :: pos(:)        
       REAL(KIND=DP),     INTENT(IN) :: energy       
       REAL(KIND=DP),     INTENT(IN) :: gradient(:)       
       CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: scratch
       OPEN( UNIT = iunbfgs, FILE = TRIM( scratch )//TRIM( prefix )//'.bfgs', &
             STATUS = 'UNKNOWN', ACTION = 'WRITE' )  
       WRITE( iunbfgs, * ) scf_iter
       WRITE( iunbfgs, * ) bfgs_iter
       WRITE( iunbfgs, * ) lin_iter
       WRITE( iunbfgs, * ) pos_old(:,2:lbfgs_ndim), pos
       WRITE( iunbfgs, * ) energy
       WRITE( iunbfgs, * ) gradient_old(:,2:lbfgs_ndim), gradient
       WRITE( iunbfgs, * ) bfgs_step
       WRITE( iunbfgs, * ) trust_radius
       CLOSE( UNIT = iunbfgs )
     END SUBROUTINE write_lbfgs_file          
     SUBROUTINE update_inverse_hessian( gradient, dim, stdout )
       USE constants,  ONLY : eps16
       REAL(KIND=DP), INTENT(IN)  :: gradient(:)   
       INTEGER,       INTENT(IN)  :: dim
       INTEGER,       INTENT(IN)  :: stdout
       ! ... local variables
       REAL(KIND=DP)              :: y(dim)
       REAL(KIND=DP)              :: sdoty
       y = gradient - gradient_old(:,lbfgs_ndim)
       sdoty = ( bfgs_step_old .dot. y )
       IF ( ABS( sdoty ) < eps16 ) THEN
          ! ... the history is reset
          WRITE( stdout, '(/,5X,"WARINIG: unexpected behaviour in ", &
                              & "update_inverse_hessian")' )
          WRITE( stdout, '(5X,"         resetting bfgs history",/)' )
          inverse_hessian = identity(dim)
       END IF 
       inverse_hessian = inverse_hessian + &
              ( 1.D0 + ( y .dot. ( inverse_hessian .times. y ) ) / sdoty ) * &
              matrix( bfgs_step_old, bfgs_step_old ) / sdoty -               &
              ( matrix( bfgs_step_old, ( y .times. inverse_hessian ) ) +     &
                matrix( ( inverse_hessian .times. y ), bfgs_step_old ) ) / sdoty
     END SUBROUTINE update_inverse_hessian
     SUBROUTINE lbfgs_update( pos, gradient, dim )
       USE constants,  ONLY : eps16
       REAL(KIND=DP), INTENT(IN)  :: pos(:)
       REAL(KIND=DP), INTENT(IN)  :: gradient(:)         
       INTEGER,       INTENT(IN)  :: dim
       ! ... local variables
       INTEGER       :: i       
       REAL(KIND=DP) :: s(dim,lbfgs_ndim), y(dim,lbfgs_ndim)
       REAL(KIND=DP) :: alpha(lbfgs_ndim), sdoty(lbfgs_ndim)
       REAL(KIND=DP) :: preconditioning
       bfgs_step = gradient
       s(:,lbfgs_ndim) = pos - pos_old(:,lbfgs_ndim) 
       y(:,lbfgs_ndim) = gradient - gradient_old(:,lbfgs_ndim) 
       DO i = ( lbfgs_ndim - 1 ), 1, -1
          s(:,i) = pos_old(:,i+1) - pos_old(:,i)
          y(:,i) = gradient_old(:,i+1) - gradient_old(:,i)
       END DO
       DO i = lbfgs_ndim, 1, -1
          sdoty(i) = ( s(:,i) .dot. y(:,i) )
          IF ( sdoty(i) > eps16 ) THEN
             alpha(i) = ( s(:,i) .dot. bfgs_step ) / sdoty(i)
             alpha(i) = 0.D0
          END IF   
          bfgs_step = bfgs_step - alpha(i) * y(:,i)
       END DO 
       preconditioning = ( y(:,lbfgs_ndim) .dot. y(:,lbfgs_ndim) )
       IF ( preconditioning > eps16 ) THEN
          bfgs_step =  sdoty(lbfgs_ndim) / preconditioning * bfgs_step
       END IF        
       DO i = 1, lbfgs_ndim
          IF ( sdoty(i) > eps16 ) THEN
             bfgs_step = bfgs_step + s(:,i) * ( alpha(i) - &
                        ( y(:,lbfgs_ndim) .dot. bfgs_step ) / sdoty(i) )
          END IF   
       END DO  
       bfgs_step = - bfgs_step
     END SUBROUTINE lbfgs_update  
     SUBROUTINE check_wolfe_conditions( lwolfe, energy, gradient )
       REAL(KIND=DP), INTENT(IN)  :: energy       
       REAL(KIND=DP), INTENT(IN)  :: gradient(:)              
       LOGICAL,       INTENT(OUT) :: lwolfe
       lwolfe = ( energy - energy_old ) < & 
                w_1 * ( gradient_old(:,lbfgs_ndim) .dot. bfgs_step_old )
       lwolfe = lwolfe .AND. &
                ( ABS( gradient .dot. bfgs_step_old ) > &
                  - w_2 * ( gradient_old(:,lbfgs_ndim) .dot. bfgs_step_old ) ) 
     END SUBROUTINE check_wolfe_conditions
     SUBROUTINE compute_trust_radius( lwolfe, energy, gradient, dim, &
                                      stdout, conv_bfgs )
       LOGICAL,       INTENT(IN)  :: lwolfe
       REAL(KIND=DP), INTENT(IN)  :: energy    
       REAL(KIND=DP), INTENT(IN)  :: gradient(:)                         
       INTEGER,       INTENT(IN)  :: dim   
       INTEGER,       INTENT(IN)  :: stdout
       LOGICAL,       INTENT(OUT) :: conv_bfgs
       ! ... local variables
       REAL(KIND=DP) :: a
       LOGICAL       :: ltest
       ltest = ( energy - energy_old ) < &
               w_1 * ( gradient_old(:,lbfgs_ndim) .dot. bfgs_step_old )
       ltest = ltest .AND. ( norm( bfgs_step ) > trust_radius_old )
       IF ( ltest ) THEN
          a = 1.25D0
          a = 1.D0
       END IF    
       IF ( lwolfe ) THEN
          trust_radius = MIN( trust_radius_max, 2.D0 * a * trust_radius_old )
          trust_radius = MIN( trust_radius_max, a * trust_radius_old, &
                              norm( bfgs_step ) )
       END IF    
       IF ( trust_radius < trust_radius_end  ) THEN
          conv_bfgs = .TRUE.
       ELSE IF ( trust_radius < trust_radius_min ) THEN
          ! ... the history is reset
          WRITE( UNIT = stdout, FMT = '(5X,"resetting bfgs history",/)' )
          IF ( ALLOCATED( inverse_hessian ) ) THEN
             inverse_hessian = identity(dim)
             bfgs_step = - ( inverse_hessian .times. gradient )
             trust_radius = trust_radius_min
             pos_old      = 0.D0
             gradient_old = 0.D0
             bfgs_step = - gradient
             trust_radius = trust_radius_min
          END IF      
       END IF          
     END SUBROUTINE compute_trust_radius 
     SUBROUTINE terminate_bfgs( energy, stdout, scratch )
       USE io_files, ONLY : prefix             
       REAL(KIND=DP),     INTENT(IN) :: energy  
       INTEGER,           INTENT(IN) :: stdout         
       CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: scratch       
       WRITE( UNIT = stdout, &
            & FMT = '(/,5X,"bfgs converged in ",I3," ionic steps and ", &
            &         I3," bfgs steps",/)' ) scf_iter, bfgs_iter
       WRITE( UNIT = stdout, &
            & FMT = '(5X,"Final energy",T30,"= ",F18.10," ryd")' ) energy
       IF ( ALLOCATED( inverse_hessian ) ) THEN
          WRITE( UNIT = stdout, &
               & FMT = '(/,5X,"Saving the approssimate hessian",/)' )
          OPEN( UNIT = iunbfgs, FILE = TRIM( scratch ) // TRIM( prefix ) // &
              & '.hess', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN', ACTION = 'WRITE' )  
          WRITE( iunbfgs, * ) SHAPE( inverse_hessian )
          WRITE( iunbfgs, * ) inverse_hessian
          CLOSE( UNIT = iunbfgs )       
          DEALLOCATE( pos_old )   
          DEALLOCATE( inverse_hessian )
          DEALLOCATE( bfgs_step )       
          DEALLOCATE( bfgs_step_old )
          DEALLOCATE( gradient_old ) 
          DEALLOCATE( pos_old )
          DEALLOCATE( gradient_old )          
          DEALLOCATE( bfgs_step )              
          DEALLOCATE( bfgs_step_old )  
       END IF
       OPEN( UNIT = iunbfgs, &
             FILE = TRIM( scratch )//TRIM( prefix )//'.bfgs' )
       CLOSE( UNIT = iunbfgs, STATUS = 'DELETE' )    
     END SUBROUTINE terminate_bfgs
END MODULE bfgs_module

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