[Pw_forum] Error encountered while attempting to allocate a data object.

Konstantin Kudin konstantin_kudin at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 29 02:50:06 CET 2004

Dear Serguei

 Thanks for the tips! I seem to recall now that under
IBM AIX in 32-bits -bmaxdata can request RAM up to
2Gb. I had it at 512Mb, now I recompiled with
-bmaxdata:0x7FFFFFFF {2Gb-1byte} and the scaled down
version of the job proceeded. 
(Note to Paolo: should not this value be set as the
default in the standard make file? As far as I know,
it does not hurt anything ...)

> 1. You'll need to compile a static binary. If you
> use ifc,
>    use "-static" flag (or "-Wl,-non_shared" if you
> like to be
>    fancy). You are also limited to MKL 5.1 or ATLAS
> for BLAS
>    - later versions of MKL don't support static
> linking.

 Regarding Intel compiler, what is the default size of
the memory (i.e. without extra flags) there? Is it up
to 1Gb, or something smaller?

> 2. You may need to rebuild Linux kernel. Take a look
> at
>    /proc/config.gz - you should be using
> "CONFIG_1GB" kernel
>    (or preferably "CONFIG_05GB", if your
> distribution supports
>    it). This job with definitly NOT run with
> "CONFIG_2GB" or
>    "CONFIG_3GB" kernels. [*]

 I think I was able to run programs that used up to
1.6Gb under Linux, so the kernel seems to be fine.

 Is there a way to reduce the memory required for a
given PWSCF job? Or should I just move to a 64-bit
machine with enough physical RAM such as an SGI?



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