[Pw_forum] paralel calculations

Dariusz Chrobak dchrobak at us.edu.pl
Mon May 24 10:23:28 CEST 2004

Dear PWSCF users,

I would like to start 4 processes on  two (one-processor) computers.
I'm using MPICH- MPI implementation with the machines.LINUX file:


The command:

mpirun -np4 ../bin/pw.x -npool 2 < nmgs.in > nmgs.out

starts my calculation and create the following PI#### file:

kometk.ifichm.us.edu.pl  0  ../pw.x
kometk.ifichm.us.edu.pl  1  ../pw.x
zgredek.ifichm.us.edu.pl  1  ../pw.x
zgredek.ifichm.us.edu.pl  1  ../pw.x

Could you tell me are the above numbers correct? What mean these numbers?

Best regards
Darek Chrobak

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