[Pw_forum] PP converter from upftools

Eyvaz Isaev eyvaz_isaev at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 15 18:52:44 CEST 2004

Hi Sergei,

It is so simple: just enter fhi2upf 
and answer questions which are also very simple. But
you should be aware of  the local part and DFT used
for generatiion of FHI PsP. The information is usually
enough from your FHI PsP choice (PBE or LDA) and the
first line in a PsP file. Look at also "pspxc"


--- Sergei Lisenkov <proffess at yandex.ru> wrote:

> Dear PWscf authors and users,
> I tried to convert pseudopotential in fhi98PP form
> to upf format. I used the command:
> ./fhi2upf pp.fhi
> but I always got 
> usage: fhi2upf  [input file] 
> Any hints?
> Best wishes,
>  Sergey
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