[Pw_forum] Recent CVS on IBM

Konstantin Kudin konstantin_kudin at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 21 18:38:28 CEST 2004

 Dear all,

 I tried to compile the current CVS on an IBM machine which has rather
old software (OS and compiler). So I am using "configure.old ibmsp".

 Issues keep showing up. First, in "Modules/parser.f90" one needs to
have the following to avoid the conflict with the "pure" definition.

#if defined __AIX
       !  with AIX compiler some combination of flags lead to
       !  variables being defined as static, hence giving a conflict
       !  with PURE function. We then force the variable be AUTOMATIC
    CHARACTER(LEN=1), AUTOMATIC :: sep1, sep2
    INTEGER, AUTOMATIC          :: j
    CHARACTER(LEN=1)                        :: sep1, sep2
    INTEGER                                 :: j

 Next, the config files in the directory "install" are missing an
include path such that "make.sys" is incomplete. I fixed that by adding
the following:

 I think this might be missing in many make.sys versions.

 Finally, why I am actually writing this. When it tries to link "pw.x",
the error message is:

ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol:
ld: 0711-344 See the loadmap file map for more information.

More detailed info is this:

ld: 0711-318 ERROR: Undefined symbols were found.
        The following symbols are in error:

 .__shmem_include_MOD__&&_shmem_include [36]    ER PR
                                   000000b4 .text    R_RBR    [16]   

 Any help with this error message?



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