[Pw_forum] Re: compile Hitachi

Martin Hilgeman hilgeman at sgi.com
Wed Sep 29 09:05:13 CEST 2004

WANG Yuan Xu wrote:
> Dear Prof. Paolo Giannozzi,
>            The error appear during compile file "shmem_include.f90"
> The error is 
> 	mpif90_r  -free   -I/home/wyxphy/pwscf/Modules -I/home/wyxphy/pwscf/PW/ -I/home/wyxphy/pwscf/PH/  -c shmem_include.f90
> f90: compile start : shmem_include.f90
> *OFORT90 V01-00-/A entered.
> KCHF656K -I the following file is
>             referred.--/home/wyxphy/pwscf/Modules/kinds.mod
> KCHF656K -I the following file is
>             referred.--/home/wyxphy/pwscf/Modules/io_global.mod
>    KCHF484K  08               SHMEM_COLLECT_SYNC_SIZE
>              the symbolic name is not declared.

Look on your system for the presence of the 'mpp/shmem.fh' header file 
and make sure that it can be found by your preprocessor.



Martin Hilgeman                    Chemical Applications Engineering
                                    Phone:  +31(0)30-6696885
SGI                                E-mail: hilgeman at sgi.com
The Netherlands                    URL:    http://www.sgi.com/go/chembio

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