[Pw_forum] about CP.x ,example23

xywu xywu at imr.ac.cn
Fri Apr 8 05:18:52 CEST 2005

Dear all,
What's the means of following code in example23. I did not find the 
words such as EFIELD in INPUT_CP.
Please give me some advice.

Thank you in advance!

# calculation with an electric field
cat > WANNIER << EOF
  .true. .true.                         EFIELD SWITCH
  100                                   SW_LEN
  0.d0 0.d0 0.0d0                       EFX0 EFY0 EFZ0
  0.d0 0.d0 0.5d-2                      EFX1 EFY1 EFZ1
  .false.                               WFSD
  0.1 0.3 10 10                         WFDT MAXWFDT NIT NSD
  1500. 5. .3 10                        Q DT FRIC NSTEPS
  1.d-9                                 TOLW
  .true.                                ADAPT
  3 1 40                                CALWF NWF WFFORT
  21                                    IPLOT
  .false.                               WRITEV

Best regards

Xiyong Wu(X.Y.Wu) 
E_mail:xywu at imr.ac.cn

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