[Pw_forum] Number of digits for bands

Gerardo Ballabio g.ballabio at cineca.it
Tue Apr 12 12:49:11 CEST 2005

On 04/12/05 12:38:20, Alexander Shaposhnikov wrote:
> I have a question for PWscf developers: is it possible and how to
> increase
> the number of decimal digits printed for bands energies (currently
> 4)? I
> need at least one more for the evaluation of effective masses.

Not by any input parameter that I know of. You have to edit the code.

Please also note that you may print how many digits you want, but  
they'll be meaningless beyond some point that depends on the  
convergence threshold. I suggest that you do some tests with  
different thresholds before trusting the results.


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