[Pw_forum] inconsistent file_version in save files since v-2.0.2

David Prendergast prendergast2 at llnl.gov
Fri Apr 29 19:27:47 CEST 2005

Is it possible to update the header for sections in the .save file so 
that it is consistent with the current version of the code.

I'm speaking of the variable 'file_version' written at the start of each 
section in the wave function using:

write(iuni) twrite, file_version, section_name

This is set in the file Modules/io_base.f90

It has remained frozen with the value 202 (I'm guessing since this 
version of the code).

Since there have been some changes in the data dumped in various 
sections - in particular section_name='pseudo' - it would be easier to 
know this in advance by checking the file_version.

Also, to prevent the code from reading older save files with different 
data structures, the existing consistency checks for 'file_version' 
would then have more meaning.

   David Prendergast
   Quantum Simulations Group                 phone: (925) 423-2202
   Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory    fax:   (925) 422-6594
   P.O. Box 808, L-415, Livermore, CA 94551  email: prendergast2 at llnl.gov

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