[Pw_forum] Relaxation of Cu100 with PBE pseudopotential

Nicola Marzari marzari at MIT.EDU
Fri Feb 11 02:02:45 CET 2005

In these calculations it is essential to have an
accurate k-point sampling and some finite temperature

What were you using in both cases ? How many bands did you have
above the Fermi energy ?


Alcantara Ortigoza, Marisol wrote:

> Hi,
> I was trying to relax Cu100 using 9 p(2x2) layers + 9 vacuum by using 
> PBE pseudopotential provided by pwscf.
Prof Nicola Marzari   Department of Materials Science and Engineering
13-5066   MIT   77 Massachusetts Avenue   Cambridge MA 02139-4307 USA
tel 617.4522758  fax 617.2586534  marzari at mit.edu  http://nnn.mit.edu

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