[Pw_forum] electron phonon error

Aritz Leonardo swblelia at sw.ehu.es
Wed Jan 26 09:31:39 CET 2005

Paolo Giannozzi wrote:

>On Tuesday 25 January 2005 12:15, Aritz Leonardo wrote:
>>Every thing runs nicely until the second "nscf" calculation needs
>>more than 9999 points. Then the program stops without aborting
>>generating this output [...] All I can say is that it is not a disk 
>>space problem and repeat that it  only happens when the number 
>>of k points  is bigger than 9999 points. 
>with 25344 k-points it works for me. Try to locate where exactly
>in routine wfcinit_k, file PW/wfcinit.f90, the problem occurs. Note 
>that it might also be a compiler problem.
It also works for me if I run the script in my laptop... so I guess it 
must be something with the compaq compiler.

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