[Pw_forum] installation&usage of PWscf

Anna Vladymirovna rav at hotbox.ru
Fri Mar 4 09:39:09 CET 2005

Dear developers, i have a few questions conserning the installation and
of the PWscf program:
1)Can it be installed on PC computer under Windows, using any Unix emulator?
2)Does this program make all calculations from the first principles or it can
afford to 
input certain data on the interim increments of calculus?
3)Can this program make fitting to the experiment?
4)Are there any serious calculations made using PWscf and compared to
5)Wich initial data does it need?
6)Does it make a symmetry analysis?
7)Are there any restrictions on the ammount of atoms in the primitive cell?
Thank you in advance!
Faithfully yours, Rybina Anna.

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