[Pw_forum] dos of the carbon nanotube

Shaorui Sun sunsr at ihep.ac.cn
Tue Mar 22 08:19:55 CET 2005

 Dear all:
       I want calculate the DOS of the carbon nanotube with (5,5) structure.The pw.x runs well, but the dos.x tuns with problem. The input file for pw as follows:
    pseudo_dir = '/home/wien2k/pw/pseudo/',
    ibrav = 6, celldm(1) =20, celldm(3)=0.2394284, nat=  20, ntyp= 1,
    ecutwfc = 40.0
    mixing_beta = 0.7
    conv_thr =  1.0d-8
 C  12.011  C.pbe-van_bm.UPF
 C      0.93573860     3.31131699    1.26700000
 C     -1.59377022    -3.04902292    1.26700000
 C     -0.50271511     3.40472623    1.26700000
 C     -2.70329970    -2.12885723    1.26700000
 C      3.08335487     1.52956879    1.26700000
 C      1.19080712    -3.22937432    1.26700000
 C     -2.86131670     1.91410875    1.26700000
 C     -3.39394299     0.57463906    1.26700000
 C      3.44028122     0.13301675    1.26700000
 C      2.40948395    -2.45947050    1.26700000
 C      1.62444876     3.09064884    0.00000000
 C     -0.94149703    -3.36161970    0.00000000
 C     -1.21414299     3.27523422    0.00000000
 C      0.50478527    -3.45564131    0.00000000
 C      2.74004058     2.16534729    0.00000000
 C     -2.43950688     2.50114419    0.00000000
 C     -3.13155315    -1.54596793    0.00000000
 C     -3.49057844    -0.14177127    0.00000000
 C      2.90963923    -1.93713889    0.00000000
 C      3.44517320    -0.59032066    0.00000000
K_POINTS automatic
  8 8 3   1 1 1
the input file for dos.x as follows:
    Emin=5.0, Emax=25.0,DeltaE=0.1
the error comes out as follows:

     Program POST-PROC v.2.0.4  starts ...
     Today is 22Mar2005 at 15:11:53 

     nbndx  =    80  nbnd   =    40  natomwfc =    80  npwx   =    8246
     nelec  =   80.00 nkb   =   160  ngl    =    3643
     from dos : error #         1
     I need a gaussian broadening!
     stopping ...

but when I change the input file as follows:
    Emin=5.0, Emax=25.0,DeltaE=0.1,degauss=0.D0
the error message is as follows:
    Program POST-PROC v.2.0.4  starts ...
     Today is 22Mar2005 at 15:15:22 
     from dos : error #       146
     reading inputpp namelist
     stopping ...
who could help me to solve the problem?

Best Regards!
                        S. R. Sun
Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility
Institute of High Energy Physics
Chinese Academy of Sciences
P. O. Box 918, 100049 Beijing
P. R. China
Tel: 0086+10 88236710
email:sunsr at ihep.ac.cn

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