[Pw_forum] Problem with FPMD

Gerardo Ballabio g.ballabio at cineca.it
Wed Nov 2 10:48:31 CET 2005

On 11/02/2005 06:50:25 AM, Paul Tangney wrote:
> Nobody answered my last question about whether FPMD is
> being maintained, so maybe its not, but if there is another
> user out there, you should know : It may not be working properly.
> This is a great pity - its a very nice code.

Hi Paul,
FPMD is being merged with CP since we see no need to maintain two  
separate Car-Parrinello codes. Current state in CVS is, there is no  
more standalone FPMD executable, but you can run CP in "FPMD  
compatibility mode" (with "calculation = 'fpmd'" if I remember  
correctly). Eventually CP will have all functionality of FPMD.
Carlo Cavazzoni is doing the merge work, you may contact him if you  
need more info (I'm not sure whether he reads this list).


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