[Pw_forum] about the cvs

Nicola Marzari marzari at MIT.EDU
Mon Nov 21 03:49:46 CET 2005

Dear Yan Li,

have a look first at the newly released version 3.0, that is on the web


li yan wrote:

> Dear all,
>   At first, i will give my gratitude to anyone who helped me.
>   I am trying to study how to calculate the Raman intensities and have 
> spent much time on the source codes (version 2.1.5), but Mr 
> Paolo said that the corrected  source codes about Raman is not on the 
> pwscf's website but on the cvs. In our university, i can only log on the 
> educational web, that is to say, i cannot log on   foreign websites at 
> my own will.
>   So would you please download the source codes about Raman and 
> mail them to me?.  I would be thankful for any help!
>  best regards
>    Yan Li
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Prof Nicola Marzari   Department of Materials Science and Engineering
13-5066   MIT   77 Massachusetts Avenue   Cambridge MA 02139-4307 USA
tel 617.4522758 fax 2586534 marzari at mit.edu http://quasiamore.mit.edu

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