[Pw_forum] questions about kpoints.x tool

Stefano de Gironcoli degironc at sissa.it
Mon Oct 10 09:31:36 CEST 2005

k-points are generate from a specified regular grid in the BZ, removing 
symmetry-equivalent points.
The first output file contains the symmetry-unequivalent k-points and 
their weights (it's the set to be used in the calculation)
while file "info" specifies for each point in the original regular grid 
to which other point it is equivalent.
It's generated for checking purpose.


W. YU wrote:

>I am sorry for asking some silly questions in the
>former post with the same title. Now I only need to
>know the anser to question 1.
>1. Does anybody know why the k points given in the two
>output files(info and the user-input outfile) are
>W. YU
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