[Pw_forum] xcrysden-cannot open pwscf output file

Jaita Paul jaita at jncasr.ac.in
Fri Sep 9 08:53:03 CEST 2005

hello everyone.

when i try to open a pwscf output file to see the optimized structure i
get the following error msgs:

error while executing  "pwo2xsf.sh" program
the error info:

/home/jaita/XCrySDen-B1.0bin-static/scripts/pwo2xsf.sh: line 1: bc:
command not found
/home/jaita/XCrySDen-B1.0bin-static/scripts/pwo2xsf.sh: line 88: test:
-eq: unary operator expected

can anyone help?
best regards,

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