[Pw_forum] Problem not related PWscf

Huiqun Zhou hqzhou at nju.edu.cn
Sat Apr 15 04:32:00 CEST 2006

I recommend you Rocks distribution, it's easy to install and management. it was just
took me one and half an hour to build a 16 node cluster. With this cluster distribution, 
you can choose commercial RHEL 4, or its clone, such as CentOS.

Please refer to the following link:

Huiqun Zhou
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: lan haiping 
  To: pw_forum at pwscf.org 
  Sent: Saturday, April 15, 2006 12:33 AM
  Subject: [Pw_forum] Problem not related PWscf

  Dear All:

     I am sorry to ask a question not related to the topics of maillist.
    I just want to  know which distribution is good for building HPC-cluster.My computers are AMD248-64bit cpu.
  Recently, i tried to build with RHEL AS4.0, but failed due to unstable NIS service.  So ,  Would anyone have experience building 
  HPC cluster for AMD x86-64 CPU? Would you please give me some suggestion?



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