[Pw_forum] Problem with examples

Cesar Alberto Cab Cauich cesar at cuca.mda.cinvestav.mx
Thu Apr 20 20:14:20 CEST 2006

Hi espresso users, I am a new user for this code, I already Work with
siesta, and I want Know about the abilities for cp and pwscf. I compiled
the code without errors in a xeon box 3.2 GHz with intel fortran 9.0 and
mkl 8.0 using "configure" utility.
When I try to run the examples, I obtain this error for al.scf.cg.out: 

 G cutoff =   85.4897  (    869 G-vectors)     FFT grid: ( 15, 15, 15)
     nbndx  =     6  nbnd   =     6  natomwfc =     9  npwx   =     113
     nelec  =   3.00  nkb   =     4  ngl    =      31
     Initial potential from superposition of free atoms
     starting charge    2.99794, renormalised to    3.00000
     Starting wfc are atomic

    from cfts_3 : error #         1
     routine called by wrong architecture

     stopping ...

and for  al.band.cg.out:

 G cutoff =   85.4897  (    869 G-vectors)     FFT grid: ( 15, 15, 15)
     nbndx  =     8  nbnd   =     8  natomwfc =     9  npwx   =     113
     nelec  =   3.00  nkb   =     4  ngl    =      31
     Cannot read rho : file not found
     Initial potential from superposition of free atoms

     from potinit : error #         1
     starting and expected charges differ

     stopping ...

In resume, there are errors for all .out files .....
Some idea?


Cesar Alberto Cab Cauich
PhD Student 
Departamento de Fisica Aplicada
Centro de Investigacion y Estudios Avanzados 
Merida, Mexico.

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