[Pw_forum] Re: How to determine the thickness in surface phonons calculation?

英利 牛 niuyingli at yahoo.com.cn
Wed Jul 26 04:18:25 CEST 2006

Dear Prof Nicola Marzari,
  Sorry about the indistinct questions!
  I want to calculate the superconducting Tc of
surface or  thin film. So I need to calculate the
el-ph matrices and el-ph constants. It is necessary to
distinguish the contribution from bulk to the
contribution from surface. Am I right? Then I can
analyze why the Tc of film specimen is different from
the bulk specimen.
  As you said, I am a newcomer in the field, and have
to do lots of homework about physics and computation.
And again thank you very much for your help in

Best regards!

Yingli Niu


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