[Pw_forum] force calculation in 3.1 on IBM machine

Sergey Lisenkov proffess at yandex.ru
Fri Jun 23 00:12:18 CEST 2006

 Dear developers,

  I found tha there is a problem with computing the forces during the relaxation (I got "segmentation fault" error). It happened on our IBM PowerPC cluster under Linux; compiler is xlf 9.1, xlc 7.0, ESSL, pwscf 3.1 version (serial and parallel). For tests, I used the example from example03 directory. Both input and output are attached.

 BTW, if I recompile the code without optimization, this problem dissapears. I do not believe that this is a compiler bug, because I have never had such problems (also with this test job) with pwscf versions <=3.0
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