[Pw_forum] More pseudopotential troubles

Miguel Martínez Canales wmbmacam at lg.ehu.es
Wed Oct 11 12:15:53 CEST 2006

Dear people,

Although your previous comments on Ca pseudopotential were very helpful, 
now I'm finding another problem. I may be wrong to think that the input 
attached generates an US pseudopotential with semicore states, using l=2 as 
the pseudization channel and two reference energies for the s and p 
channels. Anyway, when I try to run this input

    beta = 0.2,
    config='[Ar] 3d0 4s2 4p0',
    nlcc =.true.,
3S  1  0  2.00  0.00  1.10  1.30
3S  2  0  0.00 -0.27  2.80  2.90
3P  2  1  6.00  0.00  1.20  1.30
3P  3  1  0.00 -0.10  2.80  2.90
3D  3  2  0.00  0.00  2.90  2.90
    nconf = 1,
    ecutmin = 20.0,
    ecutmax = 60.0,
3S  2  0  2.00  0.00  2.80  2.90
3P  3  1  0.00  0.00  2.80  2.90
3D  3  2  0.00  0.00  2.90  2.90

I get the following error:
      from ascheqps : error #         1
      too many attempts

      stopping ...

Increasing beta doesn't help. Neither does increasing the maximum number of 
iterations in ascheqps.f90. I'm currently looking at that module to 
understand what's going wrong. Nevertheless, if you saw something stupid in 
my input, pleas tell me.

Thanks in advance,


PS: In the excited state for the s channel, 3S 2 0, do I have to write the 
pseudization energy? Or is 0.00 the corresponding energy to the excited state?

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