[Pw_forum] Lost My Subscription

Paul M. Grant w2agz at pacbell.net
Thu Apr 12 19:28:11 CEST 2007

Here's what happened.  I have two levels of spam filters set, one on my
e-mail server and the other on my e-mail client.  About a week ago, the
server "decided" to block everything from pw_forum.  I suspect there's a
"frequency of attack" algorithm they implement.  I've now added a separate
filter on the server to "clear" anything from pw_forum.  We'll see.


Thanks to all who responded.only Axel "got through" before I found this
problem.  -Paul


Paul M. Grant, PhD

Principal, W2AGZ Technologies

Visiting Scholar, Applied Physics, Stanford University

EPRI Science Fellow (Retired)

IBM Research Staff Member Emeritus

 <mailto:w2agz at pacbell.net> w2agz at pacbell.net

 <http://www.w2agz.com/> http://www.w2agz.com




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