[Pw_forum] EXX files I/O

Tyler Grassman tgrassma at ucsd.edu
Mon Aug 20 04:10:29 CEST 2007

Thank you very much for the response.  I was only able to get everything to
work right by putting iunexx and exx_nwordwfc into Modules/io_files.f90 and
adding/removing the appropriate USE and INTEGER declarations in exx.f90 and
openfil.f90 (as well as removing "iunexx = find_free_unit" and the diropn
call from exx.f90).  Results-wise...  It doesn't really do much for the CPU
time (as expected), but brings the wall times down to almost equal to the
CPU times, with the biggest effect being for smaller #procs (where the .exx#
files are quite large).  I'm sure the effect will be even bigger with larger
system sizes.  So, thanks again!


Tyler Grassman
Materials Science and Engineering
University of California, San Diego

>Thank'you for noticing that... it will be changed.
>a simple temporary fix  is to move the opening of the exx files into 
>#ifdef EXX
>     exx_nwordwfc=2*nrxxs
>     iunexx = find_free_unit()
>     call diropn(iunexx,'exx', exx_nwordwfc, exst)
>in this way they will be open in the same directory as wfc## files.
>Thank you,
>stefano de Gironcoli,
>On Sat, 18 Aug 2007, Tyler Grassman wrote:
>> Hello.  I've been working with the EXX implementation in PWscf for a
>> bit now (just doing testing on bulk Si for the time being, getting to
>> the code a little bit, as I'm new to PWscf).  I'm working on figuring out
>> the optimal parallelization and disk I/O parameters.  My cluster uses an
>> file system to share the /home directory (I know, everyone says not to
>> PWscf, but I don't see that I've much other choice).  However, the
>> nodes have large scratch disks, so setting the wfcdir tag to use the
>> node scratch disks helps reduce the NFS disk I/O.  However, I find that
>> prefix.exx# files are still being written to the outdir, and they tend to
>> pretty big (each file is tens to hundreds of MBs, depending on the number
>> procs the job is being run on, even for this small bulk system).  It
>> like these files get rewritten every hybrid refinement loop (i.e. "NOW GO
>> BACK TO REFINE HYBRID CALCULATION").  I'm guessing these files will get
>> considerably larger once the system gets larger, too, in which case this
>> will really end up costing a lot in the wall time (and I plan on trying
>> considerably larger systems in the near future), yes?  I looked in
>> source file and didn't see anything about it, but I was wondering if
>> was any way (or a plan to implement such a thing, if possible) to treat
>> these files in the same way (some equivalent to wfcdir)?  Or if not, does
>> anyone have any suggestions?
>> Thanks,
>> Tyler Grassman
>> Materials Science and Engineering
>> University of California, San Diego
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