[Pw_forum] Max. no. of processors

Bhagawan Sahu brsahu at physics.utexas.edu
Fri Aug 31 21:15:36 CEST 2007

Dear PWSCF users,

For a 288 processors jog on a linux cluster), I got the error message 

task #       140     from startup : error #       288
      too many processors
     task #        99
     from startup : error #       288
      too many processors

In PW/para.f90

MODULE para_const
#if defined(__QK_USER__)
      maxproc  = 2048     !  maximum number of processors.
                          !  make it big for 'big iron'.
      maxproc  = 128      !  maximum number of processors
END MODULE para_const

Do I have to change

      maxproc  = 128      !  maximum number of processors 

to a large number (say 1000 or anything greater than I need) and recompile 
the code again and this will take care of the error.

Bhagawan Sahu
Microelectronics Research Center
University of Texas at Austin
Austin TX 78758 

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