[Pw_forum] Ni pseudopotential file

Clark Lee jibiaoli at gmail.com
Wed Dec 19 13:37:58 CET 2007

Dear all
Does anyone (Carlo Sbraccia or anyone else) have a Ni pp file (Ni-pbe-us.van)
generated by Carlo Sbraccia a few years ago
with the Vanderbilt code, because Carlo Sbraccia
found that the standard version available from the
PWSCF web-page had some convergency issue with respect to the plane-wave and
charge density cutoffs. I am appreciated having this pp file from Carlo
Sbraccia or someone else.

Yours sincerely,

Clark Lee

State Key Lab of Corrosion and Protection (SKLCP)
Institute of Metal Research (IMR)
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China
Phone: 024-23925323
Email: jibiaoli at imr.ac.cn or jibiaoli at gmail.com
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