[Pw_forum] parallel pw.x memory requirements

Alexander Shaposhnikov shaposh at isp.nsc.ru
Sat Jan 6 14:36:29 CET 2007

according to manual, pw.x scf R&G parallelization should scale well in respect 
with memory requirement (i.e., total memory required  should not increase 
much with the number of threads and should decrease per CPU almost linearly )
However, what i have noticed, the amount of memory used per CPU does not 
decrease more than 2 times. For example, running on 8-node SMP machine with 8 
threads consume 4 times more memory comparing with one only thread ( with 1 
pool, procs/pool=8 )   

Is this expected behavior? Can somebody clarify this?

Best Regards,
Alexander Shaposhnikov

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