[Pw_forum] About Pseudo-Potential generation

Lawrence Lee lawrence_lee_lee at yahoo.com.hk
Tue Jan 23 12:16:29 CET 2007

Dear all,

I have serveral questions about PP generation. Please forgive me if there are any stupid question as I am a new in this field.

Comparing Rabe-Rappe-Kaxiras-Joannopoulos and Troullier-Martin pseudization, it seems that the former is simpler. But actually which one is better? Do each of them have their particular advantages.

What's the difference between using one channel as the local PP and pseudizing the all electron potential.

Sometimes, one will use fractional occupation such as [Ne]3s1.5 for Mg. Why's that?

If I want to do high pressure calculation later, does it mean that I must use a small core radius.

Thanks for helping me!


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