[Pw_forum] Pseudopotentials for TPSS

Sergey N. Maximoff msn77 at berkeley.edu
Mon Jul 16 11:47:26 CEST 2007


Thank you very much for your comments. It would indeed be cool if
pseudopotebtial generator for meta-GAAs become at a part of the
distribution...  if the existing code comes back from nirvana, I would be
really happy to have it.

 The Original TPSS paper states that TPSS significantly improves  the
surface XC energies over the parent GGA, PBE (for the jellium). I would
like to check if this functional is any good  for reaction barriers over 
metal surfaces...  There has been recent JCP indicating that TPSS
sometimes is as good as hybrid functinals for reaction barriers over
materials with a gap...



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