[Pw_forum] el_ph_mat value in elphsum ?

明文美 iphyboy at hotmail.com
Sun Apr 20 17:55:49 CEST 2008

Dear users;
    I want to modfiy the phonon code in /PH to obtain transport a2F function in PWSCF-3.2.3, 
now I have already known that I should mainly modify the code in file elphsum subroutine 
in elphon.f90, transport a2F function is firmly realted to the electron-phonon interaction
matrix elements.
    I carefully read the Subroutine elphsum, but I have a very confusing question: 
in elphsum, how el_ph_mat is calculated? although another subroutine elphel can calculate 
el_ph_mat, the elphsum does not call elphel subroutine at all. 
    So , how the values of el_ph_mat are coming into being ?  
Any suggestion is appreciated.
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