[Pw_forum] difference between nr1 and nrx1

Timo Thonhauser thonhauser at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 30 22:57:40 CEST 2008

Dear Developers,

What is the difference between nr1, nr2, nr3 and nrx1, nrx2, nrx3
in the code? For all practical purposes they always seem to be
the same.

In PW/pwcom.f90 we find:

   nr1,           &! fft dimension along x
   nr2,           &! fft dimension along y
   nr3,           &! fft dimension along z
   nrx1,          &! maximum fft dimension along x
   nrx2,          &! maximum fft dimension along y
   nrx3,          &! maximum fft dimension along z

But when would nr1 differ from nrx1?

Thanks a lot!


Department of Materials Science and Engineering         (617) 253 6026
MIT, 13-4084, 77 Massachusetts Avenue               thonhauser at mit.edu
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307, USA                    www.mit.edu/~thonhaus

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