[Pw_forum] Quick question on coordinates

Paolo Giannozzi giannozz at nest.sns.it
Wed Feb 27 16:09:03 CET 2008

Miguel Marti­nez wrote:

>    monoclinic (p)
>    =============================
>       a1 = (a,0,0), a2= (b*sin(gamma), b*cos(gamma), 0),  a3 = (0, 0, c)
>    where gamma is the angle between axis a and b
>    base centered monoclinic
>    =============================
>       a1 = (  a/2,         0,                -c/2),
>       a2 = (b*cos(gamma), b*sin(gamma), 0),
>       a3 = (  a/2,         0,                  c/2),
> ¿Is it right? ¿Is it a typo? 

what is right and what is a typo? As far as I know, the documentation
exactly reflects what the code does (see flib/latgen.f90) :

   else if (ibrav == 12) then


   else if (ibrav == 13) then

      sen = sqrt( 1.d0 - celldm(4) ** 2 )
      a1(1) = 0.5d0 * celldm(1)
      a1(3) =-a1(1) * celldm(3)
      a2(1) = celldm(1) * celldm(2) * celldm(4)
      a2(2) = celldm(1) * celldm(2) * sen
      a3(1) = a1(1)
      a3(3) =-a1(3)

The case ibrav=13 has been corrected more than once by the way.
If you have evidence that there is something wrong above, please
explain what exactly and why

Paolo Giannozzi, Democritos and University of Udine, Italy

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