[Pw_forum] Raman intensities for "metallic systems"

Miriam Marques mmarques at staffmail.ed.ac.uk
Mon Jan 14 11:50:53 CET 2008

  Dear ESPRESSO users,

  I am emailing a previous unanswered question.

  Is possible to calculate Raman intensities for "metallic systems" such
as hcp-metals: Zn, Fe, Zr, Mg, high pressure phases of oxygen or high pressure
phases of alkali metals using the ESPRESSO code?

  Thank you very much,


  Dr. Miriam Marques
  Centre for Science at Extreme Conditions.
  The University of Edinburgh.
  e-mail: mmarques at staffmail.ed.ac.uk

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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