[Pw_forum] condor grid script

Goranka Bilalbegovic gbilalbegovic at gmail.com
Tue Jul 1 20:05:30 CEST 2008


I have just started to use a grid. It is not heterogeneous, consists of
similar linux clusters. I would like to submit a simple PWscf job
using the condor script, but I am not able to write a proper command
for the pseudopotential file. For example, the Condor-G submission
script is similar to:

executable =/home/user/espresso-4.0/bin/pw.x
should_transfer_files = yes
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
transfer_input_files =/home/user/espresso-4.0/pseudo/Si.vbc.UPF
grid_resource=gt2 .../jobmanager-sge
output = pw_condor.out
error = pw_condor.err
log = pw_condor.log
input = siscf.in

Job (the first part of example01) runs, but I do not know how to write
the lines "transfer_input_files", "arguments",..., and/or  pseudo_dir=
 in siscf.in to read the pseudopotential file. I was also trying by
writing getenv=true.

The error is always:
     from readpp : error #        29
     file ... Si.vbc.UPF not found

Thank you for any advice about this problem and/or using the grid and Condor for
espresso jobs.

Best regards,
Goranka Bilalbegovic
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science
University of Zagreb, Croatia

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