[Pw_forum] Parallel efficiency problem

lihm lihm at ihep.ac.cn
Tue Jul 29 08:03:12 CEST 2008

Dear all,

   I am a fresh user of PWscf. I run the parallel calculations to have a test.
A single process test is OK:     

PWSCF        :  5m40.68s CPU time,     6m 0.14s wall time

However, I found that the walltime is too long for parallel calculations:

     PWSCF        :  1m 4.86s CPU time,    32m53.67s wall time 

I am sure that the CPU are not busy, or influenced by other jobs. 

The running command is:

/usr/local/mpich/bin/mpirun -np 4 -machinefile nodelist /bin/pw.x < ZnO.scf.inp > ZnO.scf.out

My input file is

                 calculation = 'scf' ,
                restart_mode = 'from_scratch' ,
                      outdir = './' ,
                      wfcdir = '/tmp/' ,
                  pseudo_dir = './' ,
                      prefix = 'ZnO' ,
                     disk_io = 'minimal' ,
                     tstress = .true. ,
                     tprnfor = .true. ,
                       ibrav = 4,
                   celldm(1) = 6.213,
                   celldm(3) = 1.610,
                         nat = 4,
                        ntyp = 2,
                     ecutwfc = 40 ,
                     ecutrho = 400 ,
                 mixing_mode = 'plain' ,
                 mixing_beta = 0.7 ,
             diagonalization = 'david' ,
   Zn   65.39200  Zn.pbe-van.UPF 
    O   16.00000  O.pbe-rrkjus.UPF 
   Zn      0.666666667    0.333333333    0.000000000    
   Zn      0.333333333    0.666666667    0.500000000    
    O      0.666666667    0.333333333    0.380000000    
    O      0.333333333    0.666666667    0.880000000    
K_POINTS automatic 
  16 16 8   0 0 0 

Can anyone help me to fix the problem? Thank you.

    Best wishes!

                           Haiming Li
Haiming Li
Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility
Institute of High Energy Physics
Chinese Academy of Sciences
19 Yu Quan Lu, 100049 Beijing, P.R. China
Tel: 0086+10 8823 6437  /  0086+135 8190 2824                
E-mail:lihm at ihep.ac.cn

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